Friday, December 2, 2016


"We are constantly thinking about how do the international students can discover Barcelona in a non-boring way but the traditional tours."

For this reason, the International Club La Salle (CILS) organized for all students, on October 30th, a competition, where planning and integration of each team mates were the fundamental key to the victory.
We started at Plaza Catalonia, where we gave the teams, a map of Barcelona and the questionnaire of Spanish and Catalan Culture. 

The winner would be the team that got to prove that was targeted everywhere in the map and knew correctly the answers.
Everything was valid to fill the questionnaire and also to travel the city, from taking a taxi to rent a bike for each team member. Asking the driver of a bus what is the typical vegetable to eat in “La Castañada”, or go to the Library of Raval to search the encyclopedias.

The participants could make the routes using google maps or asking a policeman how to arrive to this or that place. But even with so many tools available for the find all the right answers, the Gymcana is not easy to win, therefore, all are in search of the prize of 100 euros.

At the end, is hard to have everything correctly, because have so many specific information, like take a pictures in the north door of the church, when usually the people never go to this door, so many places to go and everything in a short period of time. Around 1PM, after running around the city, on a Sunday morning, we finally meet our winner: YELLOW TEAM with students from the Master in Project Management. Iuliana (Romania), María-Magdalena (Romania), Anthony (Perú) and José Rodrigo (Guatemala), CONGRATULATIONS for a great victory.

After the activity we all went to the 100 Montaditos Bar to celebrate their victory. It was a really nice way of spending a Sunday morning. We hope all of you join us next time.    



After the first week of class, we had the opportunity to meet the people out of the university, we did our first Welcome Tapas, during the night of Friday, 21st of October. The meeting started with a quite atmosphere at 9PM in the Cacao Gastro Bar but around 9h30PM everything changed. The place was full of international people and the quite atmosphere left space to a new one. 

Everybody was talking, laughing and always greeting with a lot of new friends. We stayed in this mood, with interest to discover each person who will be on our side during this new experience of life, after all, these new people will be our family. Around 1AM, unfortunately, we had to make a decision and take our responsibilities, that is, to say goodnight to our new family because we usually have class during Saturday morning.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


During the night of Friday, 16th of September, we went to our first Tapas and Beers together.

We started to create the foundation of our new family and meet all the people who came to study for a while here. The evening began at the Dynamic Bar, in Sant Antoni. We were almost 40 people at the bar, people from North of Europe, West of Europe, Asia, Latin America, United States, from different countries but with the same interest, to know our new family.

We stayed until 11PM, tasting typical “tapas”, drinking beer, talking about everything from politics to jokes, from salt food to desert, beer and wine. After all that, we were with the spirit to know each other, so nothing better than talk about everything that comes to your mind.

Unfortunately, after 11PM we had to leave the bar, but the good time was not over yet. We are living in Barcelona, and specifically those days, because summer is ending and we had to enjoy the last days of it, we decided to walk to the beach, where we could find “PAKI’s Beer’s” and enjoy the good weather with stars and moon in the sky.

The atmosphere at the beach was perfect. The conversations got a little bit deeper, because of the trust that gives to have so much in common. The night finished around 3AM, because we were a little tired. Now we have to think about our first week of classes, this is always hard, but I know we are going to see each other many times this year.

Thank you all for coming and see you in the next activity.

Monday, June 27, 2016


Texto corregido:

El año académico de 2015-2016 está llegando a su fin y eso implica que nuestros tan queridos alumnos internacionales de intercambio y masters, regresarán a sus países.

Para despedirles, organizamos un pica-pica en donde pudimos compartir una última vez de un momento para recordar, fuera de las aulas, de exámenes y de presentaciones o entregas.

Fueron más de 30 personas reunidas en el jardín. La atmósfera era de relax y tranquilidad. Con el sol y la brisa rozando nuestra cara, se podían escuchar los diferentes idiomas que nos habían acompañado durante este año, inglés, italiano, ruso, castellano, portugués, alemán, francés, sueco y por supuesto, catalán. 

Se trataba de compartir esos recuerdos, de lo que habían vivido juntos, de las experiencias que formaban ahora, parte de su vida, en definitiva, una experiencia internacional. 

Esperamos que hayan tenido una estadía maravillosa aquí  y que regresen a sus países con un poco de nuestra Barcelona en sus corazones, porque habéis dejado un poco de vosotros aquí.

Buen viaje y hasta pronto!


The 2015-2016 academic year is coming to an end and that means that our so dear international exchange and masters students, will be back to their countries.

For a propper farewell, we organized a "pica-pica" where they could share one last time for a moment to remember, outside the classrooms, exams and presentations or project deliveries.

There were more than 30 people gathered in the garden. The atmosphere was relaxing and quiet. With the sun and the breeze near our face, we could hear the different languages that were with us this year, English, Italian, Russian, Castilian, Portuguese, German, French, Swedish and of course Catalan.

It was to share those memories of what they had lived together, the experiences that were now part of their lifes... an international experience.

We hope you had a wonderful stay here and return to your countries with some of our Barcelona in your hearts, because you have left some of you here.

Have a good trip and see you soon!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


En la semana del dia 18 al 22 de Abril, celebramos la semana de las Fiestas de LaSalle, en honor a nuestro patrón San Juan Bautista de La Salle (7 de abril).

Es una semana atípica, donde todos los días el Consejo de Estudiantes y las distintas entidades y clubs que conforman la vida universitaria del campus, organizan diversas actividades para el
entretenimiento de los alumnos.

En este caso, y como ya es una tradición, el Club Internacional La Salle (CILS), hemos realizado  un evento donde los alumnos internacionales del campus tuvieron la oportunidad de enseñar su cultura a toda la comunidad universitaria: la IV MUESTRA GASTRONÓMICA Y CULTURAL.

Cada pa
ís organizó un stand, con imágenes, comidas y bebidas típicas de sus países de origen. Como factor motivador, hicimos la muestra gastronómica como una competencia, por lo cual, los jurados valoraron la decoración, la cantidad de platos y por supuesto, la calidad de la comida.

Este año la participación de los alumnos fue increíble. Chicos de Italia, Mexico, Francia, Suecia, Noruega, Turquia, Espana, Catalunya, China, Russia y Argentina, trabajaron durante varias semanas para tener todo a punto.

Tuvimos una gran variedad de tapas internacionales de todos los tipos, desde los clásicos para nosotros, como lasagna, pizza, guacamole, tortilla, hasta los que no forman parte de nuestro día a día, como crema china de sésamo negro, bebida turca de yogurt, waffles con brown cheese, entre otros. Todos estaban increíbles, hechos con amor y cuidado. La decoración de los stands fue muy buena, con banderas, imágenes típicas, instrumentos y juegos de cada país.

Finalmente, tuvimos tres premios, 1º MÉXICO (100 euros), el 2º TURQUÍA (75 euros) y el 3º CHINA e ITALIA (50 euros).

Queremos agradecer a todas las personas que ayudaron en la organización de los stands y la logística de la muestra, además de todos los asistentes. Os esperamos el año que viene en la 5ª edición.


Another International Club activity took place last weekend. This activity was called Entity Encounter in a rural house in Bagà. The concept...