Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Siempre insistimos en pensar en cómo podríamos hacer para que nuestros alumnos internacionales descubrieran Barcelona de una forma no aburrida como los tours tradicionales.

Por este motivo, el Club Internacional La Salle (CILS) organizamos para todos los alumnos, el pasado 8 de noviembre, una especie de competición en la cual el tiempo, la planificación y la integridad de los compañeros de cada equipo eran la llave fundamental para la victoria. El ganador sería aquel equipo que consiguiera comprobar que estuvo en todos los lugares apuntados en el mapa y que supiera correctamente responder preguntas generales sobre la cultura española y catalana.

Todo era válido para conseguir llegar a los locales o para descubrir las informaciones, desde coger un taxi a alquilar una moto para cada miembro del equipo. Preguntar al conductor de un autobús, donde es el lugar clásico de conmemorar una victoria de Barça o ir a la Biblioteca del Raval a buscar en las enciclopedias, informaciones sobre cuál fue la inspiración de Gaudí para construir la casa Battló.

Los participantes podrían hacer las rutas ayudándose con el google maps o preguntando a un policía cómo se llegaba en tal o cual lugar. Pero, aun contando con tantas herramientas al alcance de los competidores la gymcana no es fácil de ganar, así pues, habían de planificarse muy bien, pues, sólo se trataba de una competición.

Al final, era difícil no equivocarse con las informaciones, como saber cuál es la Puerta Oeste o Norte de una Iglesia o descubrir que en un lado de la ciudad está la Plaza Francesc Macià pero que en verdad, necesitaban ir al otro lado a buscar el monumento a Francesc Macià. Definitivamente, sólo perdiéndose, podrían conocer la ciudad de una forma divertida.

Al final hubo ganadores, y todos fuimos juntos a celebrarlo con una gran hamburguesa en uno de los restaurantes más de moda de la capital catalana, sin duda fue un día para recordar.

We always insist on thinking about how we could do for our international students to discover Barcelona in a non-boring way as the traditional tours.

For this reason, the International Club La Salle (CILS) organized for all students, on November 8th, a competition in which time, planning and integrity of each team mates were the fundamental keys to the victory. The winner would be the team that got to prove that was targeted everywhere in the map and knew correctly the answers of general questions about the Spanish and Catalan culture.

Everything was valid, for local reach or to discover the information, from taking a taxi to rent a bike for each team member. Asking the driver of a bus, where is the classic place to commemorate a victory for Barça or going to the Library of Raval to search encyclopedias, about information of which was the inspiration for Gaudi to build the house Battló.

The participants could made the routes helping with google maps or asking a policeman how to arrive to this or that place. But even with so many tools available for the Gymcana competitors, it was not easy to win, therefore, they had to plan well, so… it was just a competition.

At the end, it was hard not to be mistaken with some information such as know the West or North Gate of a particular church or to know that in one side of the city is the Plaza Francesc Macia but in truth, they needed to go across to get the Monument to Francesc Macia. Definitely, only being lost, they could see the city in a fun way.

At the end there were winners, and all went together to celebrate with a great burger at one of the trendiest restaurants in the Catalan capital, it was certainly a day to remember.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Clubs in La Salle Campus Barcelona

In college there are many clubs and entities responsible for organizing all typical activities, from academic events, trips, outings and trips. Please find below the range of clubs that you can join:

Consell d'Estudiants

Twitter: @CELaSalleBCN / / Facebook

The Student Council is an entity created during the course of 2010/2011, in order to inform / prepare academic and social activities for all students of La Salle Barcelona. Therefore, we encourage you to check our website throughout the year and will see everything that you were proposing .

Dinner's selfie. SALLEFES 2014

CILS (La Salle International Club) / Facebook

The La Salle International Club was born over ten years ago thanks to the eagerness of a group of Latin-American students to create a club to welcome and guide foreign students coming to La Salle to do a master degree. today, the CILS is made up of students from over 30 different countries

Jornada de Orientación de Alumnos Internacionales de Masters 2014-2015

The Photography Club / Página Web

The LS Photo Club was created by students for students, and driven by their great love to photography. Club member come from the engineering, architecture and business faculties, where professors and former students who share this hobby also form part of the club. Without a doubt, photography is essentially as simple and complex as you want it to be.

Video department / Vimeo

The aim of the video department is to introduce students to the world of audiovisuals (design, TV sets, signal recognition...) as well as how to film adverts, events and produce for the annual La Salle festival week.

2014 Dinner Party Video

Videogame Club

The videogame club is a group created to promote the development of all the areas related to videogames (design of characters adn scenes, plot, playability, soundtrack.) from your own first year of study until you complete your deegre.

GELS (La Salle Hill-walking group)

joliveras@salle.url / Facebook

The GELS Excursionista La Salle (G.E.L.S) was set up in 1977 by Brother Daniel Cabedo. It forms part of the "Club Esportiu La Salle" (CELS) - La Salle University Sports Club. Its office is located at the La Salle Sport and Fitness center.

Subida al Puigmal (2013)


We are a club for those who want to change things and bring new ideas to the world, a club for the future. An initiative of the students of La Salle University.

One of the main activities conducted in collaboration with other entities of the university is the TECH DEMO DAY.

Engrescats de la URL / Facebook

Castells are human towers and they are traditionally built for over two hundred years, in Tarragona, and then spread to the Penedes, and during throughout the twentieth century to Catalonia, Northern Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, especially from the 80s.

Do you go to the Ramon Llull University and do you like "castells"? Would you like to join the "Colla Castellera"? It's time to join this project. ENGRESCA'T!!!

Local de músics

Do you play an instrument and want to meet new people? Do you want to play with your classmates? want to play at concert festivals La Salle and thye "Butifarrada Solidàira"? You want to use the musicians local! We have amplified for guitar and bass, keyboards, complete set of drums and micros.


joliveras@salle.url / Facebook

The Urubamba Project  was has created to increase the relationship of La Salle with the people of Urubamba because La Salle has a school there. This is a public school run by La Salle trying to unite peoples of the cottages of the "Valle Sagrado" located between 2800 and 4000 meters high.

Monday, August 24, 2015

A new year in La Salle Barcelona Campus

Just recently we said goodbye to the 2014-2015 course are here we are, ready to receive the 2015-2016. I must say that I feel, call it intuition, that this will be a great year.

From the International Club La Salle (CILS) we are increasingly the integration with our fellows of the Consell d' Estudiantes (Student Council) of the university and many of our most emblematic activities are now in consolidation year after year.

One of our major goals this year will be to have even closer relation to the international students, both bachelor's and master's degrees, who will share with us education and leasure. That is why we have ready the calendar Welcome Sessions (Orientation Days) that will take place during the course:

How to get to our campus?

The best way to reach our campus is to make use of public transport. On one hand you can use the LINE 7 of the subway (M) that goes from Plaza Catalunya to Av. Tibidabo or otherwise you can use the several bus lines that pass near the Plaza Bonanova (22, 58, 64 and 75)

If you come from outside Barcelona, always try to approach to points of greatest influx of public transport, such as Sants Station, Plaza de Catalunya, Plaza España, Plaza Universidad or La Sagrera, so you can make combinations so more easy.

Here are several interesting links to maps of public transport in the city:



Another International Club activity took place last weekend. This activity was called Entity Encounter in a rural house in Bagà. The concept...